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“I created Aesthetics 360° to be the Medical Spa that Milwaukee was missing.”

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LR Collage

The description of your component goes here, or any notes you might have about it.

Label Name Type Notes
Square Image lr_collage_square_image_id image (Clone of Utility : Image)
Square Image Focus Point lr_collage_square_image_focus_point button_group (Clone of Utility : Image)
Square Image Fit lr_collage_square_image_fit select (Clone of Utility : Image)
Square Lazy Load lr_collage_square_image_loading true_false (Clone of Utility : Image)
Content lr_collage_content wysiwyg
Top Spacing lr_collage_top_spacing select
Bottom Spacing lr_collage_bottom_spacing select
Layout lr_collage_layout button_group